January 2021 winner North Carolina Coastal Federation

Charitocracy OBX's 4th check to January winner North Carolina Coastal Federation for $510

We have good news about January winner North Carolina Coastal Federation, right after this quick update...

Two nominees away from a Top 10

We have 8 eligible nominees this month. That's just 2 nominees away from having enough to form a complete Top 10! Our baby OBX site is getting so BIG. So brainstorm your favorite local causes. There are over two hundred from which to choose! And get your nomination in by the 7th of the month for it to be in the running for February's prize.

January 2021 winner North Carolina Coastal Federation

Yesterday we named Charitocracy OBX's 4th monthly winner! Congratulations to North Carolina Coastal Federation, nominated by donor bjstager. They protect and restore the water quality and critically important natural habitats of the North Carolina coast. You can find their website here.

Now you have a few more days to sweeten the pot with a special one-time donation of any amount, which we'll add straight to the check we write to winner NC Coastal Federation. We've already received a nice 10-spot!

Check out this recent volunteer appreciation video from their Wanchese office. Then take a moment to feel good about your part in our collective $510+ grant to help with NC Coastal Federation's ongoing work!

Have a great February, stay safe, and be sure to log into Charitocracy OBX to update your votes or nominate a new cause!

December 2020 winner First Flight High School PTO

Charitocracy OBX's 3rd check to December winner First Flight High School PTO for $500

We have good news about December winner First Flight High School PTO, right after this quick update...

Nominate Whenever You Want

For all of you who have ever wanted to nominate a cause at Charitocracy, but was struck with notion during some other than the first week of the month, I have some welcome news for you. For all of you who have contacted me with this feature request, I say to you years later: You were right and I've finally addressed it. For those of you who never noticed the strict first-week-of-the-month-only nomination timeframe: Nothing to see here, carry on!

It's still important to give donors an opportunity to familiarize themselves with new nominees. We want them to debut in a bright spotlight versus being buried in the noise by in-progress Top 10 or Top 3 votes. So nominations that come in after the 1st week of the month will be held in a queue until the 1st week of the next month. But you can get the nomination in as soon as you think of it. Meanwhile it gives me some extra flexibility as to when I go through the steps of "onboarding" it. Win/win!

December 2020 winner First Flight High School PTO

As the ball dropped on New Year's Eve we named Charitocracy OBX's 3rd monthly winner! Congratulations to First Flight High School PTO, nominated by donor John Towler. They empower all stakeholders to make FFHS a place where incredible educational opportunities happen on a daily basis. You can find their website here.

Now you have a few more days to sweeten the pot with a special one-time donation of any amount, which we'll add straight to the check we write to winner First Flight High School PTO.

Then take a moment to feel good about your part in our collective $500+ grant to help with FFHS PTO's ongoing work!

Have a great January (and 2021!), stay safe, and be sure to log into Charitocracy OBX to update your votes or nominate a new cause!

November 2020 winner Outer Banks Hotline

Charitocracy OBX's 2nd check to November winner Outer Banks Hotline for $500

We have good news about November winner Outer Banks Hotline, right after this quick update...

OBX monthly pot boosted to $500 by Jen Alexander!

Every cloud has a silver lining. Jen Alexander is our dear friend, Colington neighbor, and Charitocracy donor since the beginning. (Over 4 years ago?!) She was narrowly defeated in the Dare County Schools Board of Education election on November 3. As part of closing down her campaign, she chose to donate her residual campaign funds, over $900, to Charitocracy. She wishes the money to benefit the local community it came from. So the timing is perfect with our newly formed Charitocracy OBX!

With her funds, we'll top off each of the next several OBX pots to the $500 mark. I hope it will attract more OBX locals to donate and nominate their favorite OBX charities to chase that prize! Eventually we'll reach that $500 mark organically, but in the meantime, thank you so much, Jen. You flipped the script on your electoral setback and turned it into a boon for OBX nonprofits. ❤️

November 2020 winner Outer Banks Hotline

On Giving Tuesday we named Charitocracy OBX's 2nd monthly winner! Congratulations to Outer Banks Hotline, nominated by donor John Towler. They provide crisis intervention, safe house, information and referrals, advocacy and prevention education services. You can find their website here. Hotline is a precious staple of our community and I'm beyond thrilled to see them on our new OBX winners list.

Now you have a few more days to sweeten the pot with a special one-time donation of any amount, which we'll add straight to the check we write to winner Outer Banks Hotline.

Then take a moment to feel good about your part in our collective $500+ grant to help with Hotline's ongoing work!

Have a great December, stay safe, and be sure to log into Charitocracy OBX to update your votes or nominate a new cause!