Spotlight on nominee North Carolina Coastal Federation

nominee North Carolina Coastal Federation

Next in our series of posts about new Charitocracy OBX nominees, we have nominee North Carolina Coastal Federation, nominated by donor bjstager. They protect and restore the water quality and critically important natural habitats of the North Carolina coast. You can find their web site here.

A few words on Charitocracy

Firstly, for newcomers: here's how it works. Donors pool their monthly contributions, as little as $1. The cause with the most votes each month wins the pot. No matter how much or how little you contribute, each donor at Charitocracy gets one vote. This is where charity meets democracy. So please share this post (see social sharing icons at top of post) and ask your friends to join us and vote! That's how we spread the word and, as a result, grow the monthly pot. The bigger the pot, the bigger our positive impact on the world!

About nominee North Carolina Coastal Federation

North Carolina Coastal Federation: Working together for a healthy coast.

Whether you live and work on the coast, visit on occasion or just dream of walking along our beautiful beaches, the well-being of your world depends on healthy oceans and coastal ecosystems.

The North Carolina Coastal Federation works to protect and restore coastal water quality and habitats throughout the North Carolina coast by collaborating with and engaging people from all walks of life who are committed to preserving the coast for current and future generations.

Our Goals

  • Clean coastal waters that support fishing and swimming.
  • Living shorelines that reduce sound-side erosion and provide habitat.
  • Thriving oysters that support the coastal environment and economy.
  • Effective coastal management that protects our coast.
  • A coast that is free of marine debris.

So please visit the page of nominee North Carolina Coastal Federation to vote for, like, or discuss this cause! And check out their recent video about Oyster aquaculture:

Finally, the fun blooper reel from the making of that video!